Infant Adoption Story: The Naples Family

About our Infant Adoption Program The adoption process begins with two-hour orientation that walks participants through the adoption process. Holy Family Services provides monthly orientations to prospective adoptive parents seeking information about the infant adoption and fost-adopt programs. We equip prospective parents with a step-by-step overview of the legal, financial and emotional process of becoming…

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Blessed & Grateful

Pictured at the 2019 Circle of Hope Gala with Eric and his parents are his grandparents Dwayne and Lilia Fischer and German & Fran Von Thal. Beginning the adoption process, we were hopeful, but also careful to choose the right agency to guide us. Throughout interviewing, we realized that there were big differences in the…

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Changing the World One Child at a Time

If you’ve ever had a calling to make a difference in the world, there’s no greater way than making a difference in a child’s life.  Among the most vulnerable members of communities across the country are foster children. These are children who, based on life circumstances, face conditions at home that threaten their health and…

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You’re Finally Here… I’ve Been Waiting For You

Pictured from the Adoption Guild December 2019 Gathering (L to R): HFS staff Linda Shirley, parents Susan and Leroy, brother Devon, baby Dane, and HFS Board members Marianne Wright, Deno Kidde and Maura Lemon. Leroy and Susan have always known that they wanted to adopt a child. Many of their friends have gone through the adoption process…

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Adoption Story from HFS Board Secretary, Marianne Wright

Then and now: the Kearney family from when the siblings were all first brought together to now. At HFS, we are so lucky that our own board members have their own experiences with adoption and foster care. Our very own HFS Board of Directors Secretary, Marianne Wright, was adopted in 1960 by Nancy and Jim…

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“I just wanted to be a Mom.”

Personal testimony from HFS’ Board President Like many couples trying to conceive, it was not as easy as it would seem. I felt I had to try all my options and it was exhausting. When it seems all the doors were closed, I realized it was so simple: I just wanted to be a Mom.…

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Navigating Fost-Adoption

Hoping to build upon the wonderful family experience they already had, Alene and Melissa Campbell–Langdell began their journey of planning to adopt. Early on in the process, infant adoption seemed the perfect option for them; but as they continued their research, they learned that over 62,000 children are currently waiting in the foster care system…

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Mary’s Forever Family

Jeff and Greg wanted to complete their family by deciding to go through the adoption process. Even though they had many choices, they decided that the road to fulfilling their dream of becoming parents through Holy Family Services five years ago was the best choice. Fast-forward five years later, they remember the feelings as new…

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