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Welcoming Hearts, Transforming Lives: Join HFS in Fostering a Brighter Future

Fostering a child is one of the most impactful ways to make a positive difference in the world. At Holy Family Services, Adoption and Foster Care, we believe that every child deserves a loving and supportive home. Our mission is to connect children in need with compassionate and dedicated foster parents. We welcome couples, singles, and LGBTQIA+ clients to join us in this life-changing journey.

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Patricia Regan’s Story

In late 1953 or early 1954, a young woman was sent to Los Angeles from Arizona. She was 24, Catholic, Hispanic, had a certificate in teaching, was an accomplished pianist – and was single. She was sent to Los Angeles either to stay with family in Los Angeles or go to a home for unwed mothers and on April 22, 1954, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl at St. Anne’s Hospital. That child was me, signed over for adoption and sent to a foster home until I could be adopted.

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Celebrating Transitions at Our Adoption Agency: Welcoming New Faces and Embracing Returns

In the heart of HFS, transitions are not just moments of change but opportunities for growth and renewal. This season, we mark the retirement of our esteemed Clinical Social Worker, Leticia Lopez, LCSW, as well as the arrival of a new face in our team, Clinical Social Worker Xenia Valle, MSW. Additionally, we joyously welcome back Lisa Espericueta, MSW, from her maternity leave. These milestones are not just events; they embody the evolving spirit of compassion and dedication that defines our agency’s mission.

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Consider becoming a Foster Parent

There are approximately 60,000 children in California who are in foster care. Los Angeles County has the majority at 33,000, but Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside are also seeing increases in their numbers now that children are back at school and interacting with mandated reporters daily.

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